Reincarnation and Superpositions?

This post contains spoilers for anyone who hasn't watched s3e9 (but no leaks, as I haven't seen them).

So..the show has given us hints of both reincranation (Tabitha seemingly remembering being Mirana) and the idea of superpositions (Schrödinger's cat, e.g. when they place the guy in the box and then open it up the next day to see if he's alive). I wonder if it is both, in the sense that people's souls are in a superposition (occupying different bodies across different time periods; occupying different locations within Fromville, like Julie and the ruins).

If so, is Fromville the "box"? Do the characters need to "open" it by freeing the children?

It's more of a meta thought, of course, but might explain how these two themes intersect.