So nuch liquid it's an emergency
So much liquid coming up I can't control it to point I'm choking on it and can't function withi it I have no social life I can't eat cayse of it it drowns me! Can't do this anymore I have iem innafective esophagus motility, this fluid just keeps coming I can't stop it I do have motility problems les ues is coming up weak in momentary dysphagia innafective swallowing 90% but this is joke, mild chronic gastritis in recent endoscopy but thus liquid doesn't stop I can't function it wrecked the throat abd I can't breathe, so many times I go emergency nothing they can do there I need urgent help but thers none want ny old life back, don't et till 8pm one bannana if lucky only time I'm at peace is when I get 3hrs sleep if lucky I need barium swallow momentary but haven't gone to get it cause of this constant liquid it's wrecked ues. It's not acidity will need Heller’s Cardiomyotomy fundoplication dor surgery