The dangers of the pendulum swing
I hate the woke agenda, I hate lazy and cringe writing painted with gays as a human shield of criticism. I despise when they gender or race swap an established character at the alter of diversity and nothing more . I hate the resentment and demonisation of people who are escapists at heart . The infiltration by cringe hipster activists in the media who must constantly qualify their “ gamer cred” ( see guys I beat hell divers I’m one of you so believe my hit peice) I hate it all but to say I’m here to call out our side . Please try to have some nuance stop supporting these grifters that make 50 videos because there’s a female character. There is a problem in society to over correct to the point of ignoring reality . Oh too many boring skin head white male characters…,let’s make everyone a black lesbian yes even Gandalf . Oh to many black lesbians let’s make everyone a boring white skin head .seriously I want to see diverse stories by diverse writers in diverse settings , find me a genuine artist of colour To tell me a myth from their home land …. Don’t get a bunch of fat cal arts cucks to write a preachy lecture about the patriarchy and then hire one nose ring box tick diversity hire to “ ad credibility “ to your terrible non story . Guys please u know the difference between the agenda and organic natural diversity. Please stop throwing the baby out with the bath water . Now it extremely rare to get a non agenda character that’s . Oh and can we not just glaze and hype train a game because it pushes back at the whole “ unrealistic female body “ lie to push ugly women. Stellar blade is mid as fuck . Terrible example of a dmc / ninja gaiden action game make sure it’s actually good .” The feminist agenda made me sleep through my alarm snd I bang my toe on the woke door frame” this kind of brain rot buzzwording is spreading .