why is the west so obsessed with identity politics in games?
I'm indian and i started playing games on nes. safe to say i have never played games with indian characters most of the time i played games. i played god of war as a bald greek guy, played resident evil 4 as an American agent of the secret service. played as a dark elf in skyrim. played as E Honda, lara croft, james heller, gon, raiden and a fuck ton more. i could resonate with the character's action and emotions or the sheer coolness of the design not their appearance, race or the number of limbs. enjoyed my time in a world different from my life. real life has many problems so people played games to escape those problems for a while. now i see the same problems in games that i wanted to get away from in real life. do people not play single player games that have no character creation and the protagonist does not look like you. and if it's important to represent people why does the product what focus on representation always suck.