I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THE INSULTS (Rocket League, Electrical Engineering, and Chicago Baseball)
Mark, yes, I'm talking to you Mark. I've had enough of your slander. I'VE HAD ENOUGH. You have the audacity to insult every fiber of my very being. Let's start from the beginning, shall we?
Your first offense is attacking one of my all time favorite video games: Rocket League. You spit on the game, saying that it isn't even that good. How could such words be expressed when you have videos on your YouTube channel claiming it is one of the "coolest games ever". IT EVEN SAYS IT IN THE TITLE OF THE VIDEO! I love this game: the strategy, the teamwork, the competition, and the exhilaration. You were the reason I was interested in playing rocket league in the first place because of that video. I waited years for the game to become free to play just so I can be like you. SHAME!
Your second offense is attacking electrical engineers for being egotistical. Listen here, Mr. Almost Biomedical Engineer. I'm not very egotistical myself, however, for you to slander my college education, saying that all electrical engineers are egotistical, is wrong. There is a reason many of us hold our degrees with pride and that is because of how difficult some of the electrical engineering classes are. Can I blame some of them for being egotistical? No. However, this is not the case for all electrical engineers. Some of us are modest as well. I firmly believe that is it a very difficult path to pursue in college and that it shouldn't make us any less important than the other engineering branches. SHAME!
Your third offense is attacking Chicago and their baseball teams in the Disco Demolition episode. "Who even lives in Chicago?" you say as my heart sinks deeper into my stomach. "Who needs two baseball teams?" Chicago is just built like that. And it is a very sensitive subject sometimes because families can be split between Cubs fans and Sox fans. I, personally, am a Cubs fan while my mom is a Sox fan. Besides, it's pretty cool for a city to have two baseball teams because that gets more people intrigued about sports! To get back on track, it's wrong for you to say that no one lives in Chicago or to attack our poor baseball hearts . There are many of us Chicagoans and there is a lot of sport life and culture to explore. SHAME!
I give you two options, Mark. Either you apologize to rocket league players, electrical engineers, and Chicagoans, or I must resort to making my own movie to rival against yours. Perhaps I can call it, Silver Heart. Choose wisely.