Key fob range (lock/unlock)?

Does anyone else have really limited range on the keyless lock/unlock? I only have reliable operation within a couple feet of the car (like within reach of the vehicle). Both fobs are this way and I've changed both fob batteries.

I have two other toyotas with probably 50 feet or more range on the lock/unlock/window ops. But neither of those are keyless start (2006 and 2013).

Is this a pushbutton start thing where they restrict the range to prevent other operations (like starting it) from a distance or something? Or do I have something defective? Edit:correct autocorrect

Addendum: Apologies for my lack of research before posting. This seems to be by design.

Best I can tell, it is probably because the key communicates passively and allows unlock operations via the car door without an action from they key. So you'd want to disallow this unless the key is pretty close.

TBH, I'd give up the lock unlock capacitive touch sensors on the doors to get a longer range lock/unlock button. But maybe that's just me.