Ken Urker - Amateur Profiling
This is how I've always looked at people. My brain catches very small details. They've done several studies that show people with ASD. We primarily use our eyes instead of our ears to take in information on people. We look at actions more than listen to words.
Ken Urker - An Amateur Profile of Red Flags
Red Flag 1: Writing to her in the first place and claiming it was innocent when clearly it wasn't. You ever wonder how he knew her entire personality and adjusted his own to fit. My money is on Kristy.
Red Flag 2: Aggressively tonguing her in a visit, which got both penalized. Someone desperately wanted to make a lasting impression, which sounds to me as if he knew about the 250 other men writing. Who do you think may have tipped him off?
Red Flag 3: The just so understanding and watching her grow as a person and the fake saintly empath get up, which goes with red flag 4.
Red Flag 4: Bryan Golden. In the Fancy/Ken messages, she says not to involve Bryan because she doesn't trust the guy. Ken calls him a fuckboy and says he convinced her to drop him a while ago. Both agree, good. (To me, this seems like Ken's a bit more involved than just genuinely caring)
Red Flag 5: The crack about not killing for Gypsy... and calling Nick, poor Nicky-poo... meaning he fully understands she's guilty, fully understood what she did to her mother, fully understands Nick's situation as, "Nicky-poo" is something to humiliate Nick and also shows Ken looks at him like a person who is of lower intelligence like a child. Nicky-poo said seriously would be like a mother to her 4 year old child.
Red Flag 5: Out of all the men writing to her, he made sure to be the one that left the biggest impression on her by sucking her face off during a visit and if you look at how he writes... the uppity, "I've only ever wanted the best for her, I'm healthy I want to see her blossom..." Shit you can tell he's virtue signaling big time.
Red Flag 6: Ends things with her over some shit Dr. Phil had to say about his intentions in pursuing her romantically/aggressively like he did and questioning his motives.
Red Flag 6: The Blanchards learned Ryan wasn't going to play ball and seemed like he thought they were unhealthy for Gypsy. What did Kristy do? Got Ken back in the game. He literally got a permanent mark to match hers while she was still married.
Red Flag 7: Whether people want to acknowledge it or not, Ken has a checkered past with more than one man, and the men are not connected or know each other... from what I've observed, I can't argue that he's not more into men. I also can't explain his body language toward Gypsy because by all accounts, he seems either disgusted, not interested, awkwardly forcing, or drunk.
Red Flag 7: Raina. Before now and in the past, she's said several things that make me believe she's concerned about Ken having gotten with a convicted murderer. There are questions about her opinion she's danced around and not answered directly. Recently, she sounds like she's been given a script and is reading what is wanted of her.
Red Flag 9: They claim they're cut from the same cloth, that they have a ton in common. If that's the truth that'd make him a homicidal pedophile with sick sexually deviant fetishes and playing the Lifetime version of himself.
Red Flag 10: Pink Pony and the vigil. It's now out that Ken says he is the person who made people go after Pink Pony and escort her away. If you listen to how he talks about it, he's got a fairly sadistic/smug tone talking about it. Also, I've never heard a straight guy use "Scrumptious" to describe something that seems to have brought him joy in doing... and he didn't answer, "where was he?" convincingly.
Red Flag 11: How many videos of him snapping at her have been seen now? Like he's annoyed af but he wants that payday so is willing to pretend he's in love with a disgusting, possessive, unstable, murderer.
Red Flag 12: Gypsy attacked Ken's pretty blonde ex and tried to get creators to dox the woman. Dyed her hair blonde, and I'll bet you if we'd seen Ken's ex's pictures quite a few of them would look like Gypsy's... but the ex probably posted hers first, lol.
Bonus Red Flag: Cowboy Bear. If the things Cowboy Bear has said are false, it doesn't make sense that she'd be coming at him like she is... full of anger, jealousy, and ready to completely discredit him and anything about him.
Feel free to toss in your own Red Flags on Urker.