Got bored so I wrote an anti-tiger rag
I saw GA TECH had two versions of “To Hell With Georgia” (one of which we share with them) to the tune of UGA’s fight song so I wrote anti-tiger rag lyrics. A Cock’s Rag if you will
Up in the old upstate There lies a football team They can’t win at much And they never learned to read
Again and again They can’t beat the cocks They cry And to their stupid paw, they flock
Down in Fake Valley They touch a stupid rock Run down a stupid hill As balloons go up and pop
We say Where’s that tiger Where’s that tiger Where’s that tiger Whip that tiger Whip that tiger Whip that tiger Whip that tiger!
Where’s that tiger Where’s that tiger Where’s that tiger Whip that tiger Whip that tiger Whip that tiger Whip that tiger!