Gen Z ladies & gents: in different ways, you both mistakenly try to impose your logic on dating
So, anyone who has been on this for more than five minutes, can tell that this subreddit is plagued with male loneliness posts. If at least some of you can break out of this as we head into 2025…
Millennials and Gen X (I’m an Xennial, a little closer to Millennial); we didn’t approach dating as something we needed to change for the betterment of humanity. We just recognized dating for what it was, and tried to have as much fun with it as we could. And we did. A helluva lot more than your generation is right now.
Ladies and gents, make love and not war. Avoiding the wall of text, and I have a life to get back to, so:
- It’s all about the chase. If the chase was good, the sex is amazing. If there was no chase, sex with a 10 can be boring. Arousal is key, and arousal for young adults is mentally unlocked, physically expressed.
- men: your most valuable currency is confidence. Yeah sure it helps to have achievements or be tall and handsome. But there is no chicken and egg here. Confidence comes first, especially if you’re short/not rich.
- women: most valuable currency is your attention. Stop giving so much of it to your phone and to social media. Owning the floor is so much better than owning an IG feed.
- to both: put yourselves out there and give each other a chance. Be kind in rejection and be graceful about receiving it. The ship is safe in its harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.
- this is a game of skill. You need to have fun playing it, and all skills get better with practice.
We all want you to live a little. Happy 2025.