Is anyone else confused by the "progressives lecture me/are snappy at me/ETC" thing?
I feel like whenever a post about politics comes up someone will post something along the lines of "progressives are annoying because they get mad at me when I say the wrong thing, and this pushes me away from them."
I live in Minneapolis right now. Minnesota is a very progressive state, and Minneapolis is a progressive city. On top of this, I go to an art school. If you want an idea of how progressive the school I go to is, about 10% of our student-body is transgender (as compared to the ~1% in the overall American population). Point is: I live in a progressive city, in a progressive state, surrounded by progressive people.
I don't understand the narrative that progressives are snappy/rude. Yeah, some people are, for sure, but on the whole I haven't found this whole "progressives are overly mean whenever you don't agree with them," rhetoric to be that true. It's usually about language; the example that's common is that a progressive will get mad at someone for using a 'potentially offensive' term, EX: prisoner vs. person in prison... but the thing is that I literally don't ever hear anything like this. Nobody at my (again, very very left-leaning) college seems to care at all. There's certainly more people who use PC terminology, but I've never heard anyone correct someone with vitriol. The vast majority of the time (which isn't often, maybe like twice a semester) it's just something like "please don't use the term 'colored person' we prefer the term 'person of color'" and that's it, a very tame correction.
Idk it just feels silly to say "Progressives alienated me for my language choices" when... I genuinley don't think this happens nearly as much as y'all make it out to. Seems kind of ridiculous to get mad at progressives for alienating people because of their language choices while conservatives are alienating people for who they are.