Whats a family story you cant prove?

I’ll go first!

Apparently my 3x great grandfather (John Thomas Gallagher) spent all of his fortune (he was a jockey) on alcohol, going to the pub often and being drunk basically all the time.

His wife (Mary Jane -nee short)became absolutely sick of this and went to their priest and told him everything; about how they had no money to feed their children and how he wont stop being drunk.

So, being the good catholic priest he is he went to the house for a chat with John. After i’m guessing a lot of swearing and arguing being the level headed man John was he kicked / pushed the priest down the stairs because he didn’t want to stop drinking.

The priest then banned that side of the family from going to their local catholic church and they had to change religion ☺️

what a lovely family story haha!!

That side of the family was crazy, one of Johns daughters (my 2x great grandmother) tried to sell her son after taking him back from a childrens home (this was the 1940s!)

  • i obviously can’t prove this with anything as i doubt they would want this in the newspapers