The new event is an interesting look into the pscyhology of the modern gamer
I have noticed something interesting about modern games, which is in most matter how trivial they are, if players cannot get 100% of the rewards available they will lose their shit.
For example, the new tower event. Clearing up to floor 15 is relatively easy even for a moderately invested F2P account. Clearing floor 20+ is extremely difficult unless you have either invested an asston of time, at least some money, or are extremely skilled and well invested horizontally to match the buffs available
This being a gacha game, in a lot of ways time invested=skill, if you have been playing since the game released in 2020, then in theory you should have a more well-built account with more variety of characters to match the buffs available, and events like this should be easier for you
If you are skilled and/or investing money, you are being reward for your extreme skill and/or the money you invested, its like the game is paying you back a little.
Now the thing is, let's say you are a super whale, and have spent $3,000+ on this game (I know the real super whales go way beyond that, but lets be a little reasonable here)
As a reward for your loyalty and support that allows the rest of us to play the game more or less for free
A namecard
*lukewarm applause*
That's it. The gap between Mr. Whale and me, is a cosmetic name card.......that's all.
And yet the number of posts of people bitching nonstop about how they can't clear floor 20 and how this event is bullshit is shocking.
I would understand if the posts said things like 'I wish they would allow me to go to floor 25, but just not give me the rewards if I dont finish in time, like the abyss' or something like know, fair criticisms of the design of the events. But the criticisms are almost exclusively 'I won't get the namecard and that's bullshit!'
Like yeah man, sometimes the whales need something a bit extra to keep them happy (that something just being a name card is the real crime here to be honest)