I have an exam tomorrow,spent all the gap days scrolling

I don’t know why but I’m not able to get up and study at all; not because I know the material super well, I just feel super burnt out. I gave e my all to the previous exams and I’m so so tired. It’s 2 pm right is there something that can be done ? Any tips so this doesn’t happen again. This is the last exam of the cycle btw.( we have 5 sets of exams every year; 2 midterms,2 preboards one board)

I don’t know why but I’m not able to get up and study at all; not because I know the material super well, I just feel super burnt out. I gave e my all to the previous exams and I’m so so tired. It’s 2 pm right is there something that can be done ? Any tips so this doesn’t happen again. This is the last exam of the cycle btw.( we have 5 sets of exams every year; 2 midterms,2 preboards one board)