I dusted off the Koblin
A few days ago, I dusted off the Koblin and took it for a spin. For those who aren't familiar, the Koblin is a 7.62mm ASR with average customization options. Among the bits and accessories that matter to me, the notable absences are the compensator and the UBGL.
Apparently, whoever designed it thought: "Nah, who needs explosions when you can whisper sweet nothings into your enemy's ear before popping them?". This thing screams "stealth" (pun intended) and it looks really cool too.
Anyway, I dragged it out of retirement (aka my virtual weapon locker, which is probably overflowing with tactical lint) and gave it another go. And let me tell you, this thing is ridiculously lethal. Like, "unfair to the bad guys" lethal. It spits out 7.62mm freedom seeds at a healthy 800 rpm, and each one packs enough punch to send a tango straight to the digital afterlife. It's so accurate, you could probably thread a needle with it... if the needle was a hostile combatant and the thread was made of pure, unadulterated lead. You can practically paint bullseyes on foreheads with this thing. If you need two shots, congrats, you've now created a single, slightly larger hole. It's like the bullets are magnetically attracted to the first impact point. You'd swear they were laser-guided, but I checked – just good old-fashioned, ridiculously precise lead poisoning.
Slap a suppressor on it, and you become a ghost. A silent, head-popping ghost. Heads go pop like overripe grapes, but without the messy cleanup (thank goodness for digital blood). It's basically a suppressed pistol, but instead of politely asking enemies to reconsider their life choices, it politely removes their ability to make any choices whatsoever.
Accidentally pull the trigger in a crowded room? Don't worry, the resulting leaden hailstorm will disintegrate anything unfortunate enough to be in the general vicinity. Drones? Poof. Reinforcements? Gone. Entire platoons? Reduced to zero before you can even say "collateral damage."
So, why did I shelve this instrument of digital death in the first place? Because it makes the game about as challenging as watching paint dry. It's so effective, I almost feel sorry for the targets. Almost.