What professions you ended up choosing as a Gifted/ ADHD adult?
My brother and sister are gifted ADHD, I am only ADHD lol. I was curious, if you were identified as Gifted ADHD as a child, which profession you ended up choosing ?
My Brother gifted ADHD - Neurologist My Sister Gifted ADHD - Physician Me ADHD - Software Engineer
Update: The reason I asked is because We (myself and my siblings) were brought up in an Asian country with a lot of focus on education. I was not sure if Gifted/ ADHD folks are naturally inclined towards medical engineering OR they are more into arts, dance or something creative.
Now most of our kids are also gifted+ASD/ Gifted+ADHD. They go to various classes but nothing related to music/ dance/ arts and hence was curious if this is something worth exploring?