DAV Romance Crucial Info (no spoilers other than vibes and the amount of content)
Guys at DA subreddit are up in the arms about some romance decisions, so I thought I’d share what I learned and spare some of you a heartbreak (which I went through myself)!
Lucanis’s romance is pretty much non-existent. His writer is notoriously anti-romance and was fired during development, so the assumption is other writers simply didn’t fill in what was missing.
He has very small or no reactivity to your flirting and seems more smitten with Neve.
The few scene has are spaced by like 30-40 hours and even though you can lock in with him early in Act 2… nothing happens.
Specific romance moments spoilers: he and Rook kiss once, by the very end of the game.
As for the rest:
Apparently, the best romances with the most thought out content are Emmrich and Davrin.
Davrin is also one of the spiciest romances in the game although the romances are, overall, tame.
The most spicy romance is Taash.
The beloved Harding has apparently very cute and fairytale-esque tame romance.
Bellara apparently has a romance so cute and awkward, many dubbed it cringe. She also doesn’t have much physical content other than a pillow talk.
Neve has an acceptable level of content although as with Lucanis, she’s more smitten with him than with Rook.
I say “apparently” because I watched all of available romance scenes and moments and, to me, that’s how they come off. Others may have different opinions!
By the way, the lock-ins happen in Act 2 and are clearly marked. You cannot back out once locked in, but you can flirt to your heart’s content throughout Act 1.