Today is so hard 💔

I’ve shared my story here before and then deleted it because it was too painful to keep reading.

I lost my grandpa unexpectedly and rather suddenly on 11/13 and today is just so f-ing hard. What’s worse, I was supposed to be with my family today so we can go through this together but my husband tested positive for Covid so we’re home together with the kids instead. Not terrible obviously but it’s just hard feeling this alone, right now.

I get the saddest in the moments of silence when the kids are busy or when I chat with my mom who is so down today. It’s like a punch to the gut 💔 it stops me in my tracks. I’m trying to create Christmas magic for my babies but I am so burnt out.

Hugging you all who are also dealing with the same thing — loss and grief during the holiday season. My heart is with you.