I can’t stop coming back Guild Wars 2
I’m probably going to upset some of you with this, but Guild Wars 2 just isn’t made for someone like me. And yet, I keep coming back.
I love dark fantasy - realism, grit, and deep storytelling. I really tried to enjoy Guild Wars 2’s story, but I just couldn’t get into it. I also love immersion, but the game’s cosmetics often break that for me. A lot of the designs lean very feminine, or childish - not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it’s just not what I personally look for in a fantasy game.
That being said, I love MMORPGs, and Guild Wars 2 is still the best MMO I’ve ever played. The challenge of earning legendary weapons and even the Skyscale feels just right, always giving me something to work toward. The event-based questing system, which encourages teamwork and automatically groups players as they roam, is incredible. The gameplay mechanics and combat are insanely good, and the community is one of the most helpful and welcoming I’ve ever seen.
I’ve played every mainstream MMO, and Guild Wars 2 is simply the most fun. I really enjoyed LOTRO because I approached it like an interactive novel with MMO elements, and I still love that game, but if it played like Guild Wars I probably wouldn’t have a life. Guild Wars 2 isn’t perfect, but damn—it’s a good MMO that I fall more in love with the more I play it.