I quit!

I brought the RG Freedom Gundam blind, is my second purchase after an inital entry grade because it looked cool. When I posted people noted this was a poorer model... I had no idea how right they were. I was loving the complexity of this build... until the back pannel snapped off the hips and had to be glued in place... and then the waist swivil snapped and had to be glued... and then the left arm snapped off.... its now at the point I'm afraid to touch this model and will be leaving it unbuilt 😢. Which is a shame as I loved the look and the build... I may end up seeing if I can customise the wings/weapons for another model.

However, despite these set backs I am not detered from this hobby and will be moving on to something else... that hopefully dosent break when you look at it funny

I brought the RG Freedom Gundam blind, is my second purchase after an inital entry grade because it looked cool. When I posted people noted this was a poorer model... I had no idea how right they were. I was loving the complexity of this build... until the back pannel snapped off the hips and had to be glued in place... and then the waist swivil snapped and had to be glued... and then the left arm snapped off.... its now at the point I'm afraid to touch this model and will be leaving it unbuilt 😢. Which is a shame as I loved the look and the build... I may end up seeing if I can customise the wings/weapons for another model.

However, despite these set backs I am not detered from this hobby and will be moving on to something else... that hopefully dosent break when you look at it funny