If you want to recover - commit!
Hey, so I used to be much more active in this sub (which btw I think is best to take a break from Reddit from time to time). It’s been a year and 2 months for me, I have other obsessions that impacted me in the past but not in the same way as HOCD (that’s why I never even knew I had OCD before).
First of all, I want to clarify that I am not healed yet, but I am doing much better, and like everything in life there are days where I’m up and days where I’m down..
I believe in healing, I believe that I can have a fulfilled life, and I recommend you to believe it too! Take your healing and recovery process as your first priority, and remind yourself that it’s okay to have bad days where it seems unbearable and like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. You fall? Brush the dust off and keep on going, you are much stronger than you think!
Go to therapy, don’t be cheap with your health, as I said before, put it in the first place in your life, you won’t regret it! And another thing that helps me (and it’s free) is to watch Ali Greymond (she’s an OCD recovery coach). I watch her videos as a bonus and I have to admit that it helps me daily.
When you wake up, don’t ruminate! Wake up, make your bed, brush your teeth and go to work/school and pretend to be healed despite the anxiety, sensations, urges, feelings or whatever.. don’t let OCD the pleasure of torturing you and isolating yourself from life.
Commit to the process, it takes time and patience and it’s very difficult.. but it is possible! Don’t be hard on yourself and don’t let OCD break your spirit. I put recovery first, before my soon to be husband, before my family, before my career, because none of them matter if I suffer and live this way. I put recovery first BECAUSE I love my fiancé, BECAUSE I love my family and BECAUSE I love my career, and in this process I learn to love myself, because I deserve to be happy, and you deserve it too.
Don’t look for temporary relief, look for full recovery <3