Looking for another positive partner

I'm a female and I'm positive for both HSV-1 & 2. I've known I had it for about 7 years and have only had one partner since my diagnosis, but that was only a 2 year relationship. Anyways I've been wanting to date again, but dating for marriage. I'm not looking for hook ups, fwb, or just to be a long term girlfriend. I want a life long partner someone to be my best friend, someone to grow old with. I really have no desire to be with someone who doesn't have the same condition, that is my preference. I'm wondering has anyone who has either type found a partner or spouse who has it too, hopefully with a healthy successful relationship. If so, where did ya'll meet was it online dating apps, in person, through friends, etc. Just looking for some advice and hope that one day I will find my special person, thanks.