My boyfriend ruined my hair, how to fix it?

Greeting,... First of all I need to say, I did study hairdresser school and haircare is my big hobby. When I was doing myself ombre, it wasn't a big deal but whenever I have to dye my whole hair, I better ask someone for help.

Yesterday my boyfriend was helping me bleaching my hair. The application of bleach took him 35 minutes, I was telling him to hurry... I have kind of longer hair right now, but not really long. I had ginger hair before ( dyed last time 3 months 20 days ago). He dyed it to bad he missed many strands, mostly in the front and around crown of my head ( last section). I don't know what to do, today's my birthday and I need to fix it. Can I bleach the strands only, or how can I fix it?

Photos in comments.