124th-125th/Lenox Homeless

What is going on with this block? It seems like the homelessness and drug use has blown up even more in the last few days. People openly using and buying drugs. The other day it almost seemed like a woman was building an encampment. They’ve totally taken over the bus stop and are just using drugs constantly. Then they rip up all the trash bags and empty out the trash cans and throw trash all over the sidewalk!

This happens non-stop all day and night now. Doesn’t matter the time of day.

I’m not much of law expert for NYC, but something has to give. Why is this allowed to go on and on and on? What can be done to end this?

I’ve already written to our councilman to see what solutions he’s putting forward at city council.

I only write this post to see if others have noticed an uptick as well and anyone has any ideas on how this can be stopped.