Do you want children?
Hi, I'm 22f and got the diagnose at 9 years old. So after a long time of thinking I choose to be childfree.( Not to have children) I have a lot of reason like climate change, how cruel the world is and I like my peace and silence and all, but also one of them is because I have Hashimoto. I'm always tired and tried everything, went to different doctors, different medication and tried t3 and all. After a very long time trying to find something that would help my doctor said that I need to accept it.
And well I'm curious how you all think about having children with Hashimoto? I talked to a few mothers with Hashimoto and they told me how hard it is. Motherhood is already hard but with Hashimoto it doesn't make it easier. I would totally loss myself, I already don't have enough energy for school and my hobbies. I know that I can't work fulltime and I need my moments to recharge and be alone. And after work or school I need a nap. You can't really do that with a child.
How about you all?