HE'S HOME!!! 🍼🥳

Today Seamus and I's little NICU warrior got discharged from the hospital today! That hospital stay might've felt like ages but thanks to all you doctors and nurses at St. Magdalenes, Denny is healthier than ever, and finally home!

River was absolutely thrilled to see her little brother, Justice, our dog was all wags and tried kissing him a bunch of times, and Sawyer was... getting used to it, but he did want to hold Denny so I say that was a win! Today we're going to try and settle in as best as we can, but we are taking visitors if people want to meet Denny but couldn't before becuase he was in the hospital. I cooked a little spread for the family and family friends that are already over, but please, help yourself! We're just on a cloud that our baby boy is finally home. All feels well in the Holloway house ☺️
