I am in vagina hell!!! I have had this recurrent yeast infection since august and I've gone to the doctors 4 times the first two times they said it was nothing and then the last two times I was told to use boric acid suppositories and prescribed terconazole cream none of that worked. Not wanting to go back to the doctor a 5th time I ordered diflucan off wisp that also did not work. The only thing that has helped the itchiness is honeypot wash and azo yeast tablets but my discharge is still cottage cheese and it is painful during sex. My partner and I have stopped having sex for a while now and it sucks. I wear cotton underwear or go commando most times, use unscented soap, changed detergents, I literally do not know what to do I have another doctors appointment in 3 weeks but am in desperate need of relief this sucks so bad and it is drving me insane. I also have never had issues with this before august i had thought that there was a chance my partner and i were just passing it back and forth to each other because that is when we started seeing each other but i cant get this damn infection to go away!!!!!!!!