Guys, Bekvam III being re-invaded with a much stronger force makes complete military sense
Why would you think that wasn't going to happen? MOs are major military campaigns, obviously whatever passes for an Automaton High Command has to try to reach its objectives with whatever forces they have available.
Once the first invasion of Bekvam III failed, obviously they're going to try again even harder since they're now back at square one except for having wasted one day for their deadline. By this point they already had a force large enough to invade two planets simultaneously at the ready, so of course they attacked immediately.
So long as the narrative accounts for the losses incurred by the vanguard, along with possibly having to redirect reinforcements from other campaigns, then it's a completely sound, non-gamey logical military plot.
I understand the frustration. I used to play Foxhole, a game where the playerbase is divided in 2 factions and fights a full-scale war for weeks and months on end. Sometimes I'd spend an afternoon building a fort, only to wake up the next day and see that the enemy had overtaken it. It's fine to feel somewhat frustrated, have your time bitching and moaning, just pick up the shovel once more once you're done 👍