Parry/Block Mechanic
Hey dear Devs, I and alot of Medieval enthusiasts love what u are creating with Hellish Quart. I love the generic Style, the absolute blasting realism and of course the love to detail in the Martial Arts. Its just superb!
I just wished, you could make the Parry/Blocking mechanic not Automatic based, imo it should be player controlled. This would dramasticly raise the Skill base and specially also the feeling to be in charge. Now, when the enemy feints amd bypasses like that the autoparry it feels like my Cimputer (charakter) is to stupid to block. You know what i mean? It gives in this situation the feeling: "if i could have parryied myself, this woulndt have happened"
You could implement the parry mechanic for example with High, Mid and Low parries and of course left and right ones... Like that u give full controll to the player.
With passionate interesst, Popay