Physical reality is bendable by realizing who we are
I’m gonna start of by saying this is purely my theory, I’m not stating this as facts, I’m here for a healthy conversation about a topic that’s been bothering me for years (you can check out my profile history).
I’m gonna start of by saying that reality has been acting really weird for me lately, especially the last few months after something personal happened to me that effected me deeply, and made me find my purpose in this lifetime, which is studying the connection between consciousness and physical reality, let’s dive into this.
For a few years now I’ve been having this reoccurring vision - it is something along the lines of gathering a critical amount of people under the same belief, my belief is the following:
We - humans, are a self aware consciousness seeking to experience itself, not only this, but we also capable of creating our reality based on what our sub-conscious believes is true, for example, 6 years ago I was fantasizing about being a tattoo artist, this vision was so deeply rooted in my mind that after a few years, I received everything I ever dreamed about, my point here is that before anything can exist ( a certain reality of yours ) in the physical, first it must exist in a form of thought in our minds, but not just a regular thought, but an emotionally charged one. (This is very important because emotions are the language of god.)
This realization made me question the following, if “I”, a “limited” cell of consciousness/energy is capable of creating my own reality, what exactly happens when a large amount of people share the same beliefs? Isn’t it the reason there’s a “thought matrix” in the first place? Because they’ve programmed certain beliefs into humanity?
A great example for this is money, which hold no real value other than a collective agreement that 100$ is 100$.
Let’s upscale this theory, other than laws, politics, social agreements far does consciousness goes?
If a critical amount of people believes that humans are capable of bending physical laws like gravity for instance, can we preform an experiment that lets say we gather 1000 people to focus on making a rock levitate, will it work?
If we are all, consciousness experiencing itself, isn’t it safe to say that the larger the amount of people that share the same belief, the larger the energetic output?
Isn’t consciousness is everything, the rocks, the trees, the water, It’s the same thing There’s must be a correlation between all of this that we are unaware of.
The safest way to test this connection is through bending a physical law.