Is there any islamic precedent/ruling on rocky relationships with your mother? If I don’t want to be around my mother, am I a bad daughter, islamically? :0

I love her, I do, but occasionally, she goes on these rants. The rants themselves are fine, even though I don’t like them (I don’t really enjoy people who complain about everything) I tolerate and even encourage them because she’s my mother and that’s what you do. I want to listen to her talk.

But then she gets upset at me, even when I’m agreeing with her. She’ll find some random issue, I’ll agree that it’s an issue, and a normal conversation becomes really stressful as she gets angry at me.

I’ll keep this short because I don’t want this to be misconstrued as a rant, because I understand there are Islamic rulings for hitting children but I’m not sure about this.

The other thing she does is just ignores you and everything you say. That hurts a lot, sometimes you will tell her very good, important news and she’ll just blink and look away. I don’t like this but when she gets upset is worse because she nitpicks everything so you are not allowed to even look upset. She gets upset sometimes because I am smiling when I am happy or frowning when I am angry etc.

Again I am sorry this is not supposed to be a rant I just want to know if there is any islamic rulings on this specific precedent (I’m hesitant to call it emotional abuse but I don’t know what it’s called so I can’t do the research myself).

Please if anyone has any hadiths or fatwas that would be appreciated thank you :)