Kitchen with no windows, how do I make it not smell Like That?

So my kitchen has no windows (the joys of student accom) and really builds up a smell, I have roommates so the kitchen gets a lot of use. It’s also a really small area with limited ventilation, and an extractor fan I’m convinced hasn’t has its filter changed in years regardless of what management tell me.

It has garnered quite a smell, no matter how much I clean it, and due to such a small area the smell has been seeping into my room and honestly turning me away from cooking. I need advice on how to mitigate the smell of 9 meals a day being cooked in here on a budget (again, student). I’ve considered those wall powered scent emitters but I fear it’ll just add to the concoction of scents fighting for dominance in the room. The goal really is to remove, not mask. Any help appreciated!