Predatory credit card pushing
So I’m a cashier and I hate the whole credit card thing. When I got hired I didn’t realize how big of a deal credit was going to be. Like spinning a prize wheel if you get a card, the free soda thing etc. I was ringing someone up today and I did the whole “Would you like to save $25…” because my HC was right next to me. The customer said no and I was like okay no worries, and my HC proceeds to go are you sure? and lists all the other stuff. He said he wanted the $25 savings and she convinced him to sign up. He was old and clearly didn’t understand the situation. This is just one of many predatory examples of trying to get customers to sign up for the card. Im getting extremely tired of it and I am considering trying to switch departments even though I like cashiering otherwise. Anyone have any advice? I don’t know how to ask and not seem pushy. I feel like I’m taking advantage of people but maybe I’m overthinking it.