PLEASE Hoyo, the changes so far seem good, BUT don't "water down" the story for people who do not read to begin with (just let these players skip).

I know, the upcoming updates just makes some dialogue optional and it doesn't change the overall story, but I'm worried about this direction, specially since they mentioned 3.2. It's probably because 3.1 is already written, but 3.2 might have actual huge changes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm as happy as anyone else they are actually addressing the issues, I'll be thrilled to have less black screens and more cutscenes/showing characters doing things, but the overall update post gave me some bad vibes.

A lot of people who complain about the "yapping" are probably not even trying to read to begin with, and they want to move ahead on the story just to claim the rewards and leave, of course someone who is just spamming click would feel there is too much talk with nothing happening. But if they water down the story because of that type of player (which surely, it's their choice to play like that and it's completely fair), I feel it would be unfair for those who actually enjoy reading everything slowly.
I have no real comments over the puzzles part, these were already easy imo (Wouldn't be surprised people struggling just skipped over the instructions...), I guess toning them down could help the pacing.

Honestly, I think a skip button would be better over trying to cut down the story, that way everyone would be happier. Those who want to read a long story can read normally and those who want to just jump over it and leave can do it as well. Really, that's what most other gacha do.

Overall, I'm glad devs are paying attention, but I can't help but fear they might be leaving behind the side of the fanbase that do enjoy reading everything in the game, indulge in the deep lore, the texts, sim universe, character stories, etc.
Yeah, I might be just panicking over nothing, hopefully, but I still wanted to express my opinion on this whole deal.
Please Hoyo, your writers put so much heart into all of this, and there is a lot of people who loves reading everything, which might just not be as vocal as those who don't.
Don't cut down the story, just keep it at giving more options to different type of players, consider letting those who do not care to just skip.