Holiday GIVEAWAY! See post for details...

Ok, so I'm having a the absolute WORST holiday season, and I figured... Why not make someone else's holiday a little better?

Just comment here that you want to be in. I'll leave this open until Sunday night, and I'll pick a winner and get a box of cars in the mail for the lucky someone. Or maybe 2 someone's. Instead of 1 big box, I can do 2 smaller boxes? Let me know what you think in the comments. Winner will get some cars I don't need anymore. Carded/loose/mainlines/premiums/M2/whatever.

Anyways. Happy Holidays, and good luck everyone

EDIT: I can ship worldwide. If the winner(s) is in the US, shipping is free. If outside the US, I'll put $9 towards shipping, winner would be responsible for the difference.