Gamehide Brush Pants vs others
Hello All- seeking input on cost vs effectiveness for brush pants. I'm a rabbit hunter and get into the thickest of the thick stuff so strength is paramount. I currently run the Gamehide brush pant. I'm probably in my 5th season with them. Some seams are starting to go, and the weave in the dark brown is starting to not be as tight - rendering my legs to look like I have chickenpocks when I get home and undressed. Even with the increased price of $70, they're still still a bargain compared to other quality options out there. Dan's has two options, but I'm not sold on them. I tried on the new version Duluth carries and they didn't feel tough. A buddy has the FirstLite ones and isn't impressed. I don't have Filson money for their pants (and they're baggy af). I thought about their chaps, but I'd need a "tall" and they are never in stock. I'm tall and skinny and don't want to look like I'm in parachute pants. Should I just get the gamehide again? They were flawless the first ~3 years. Would love your thoughts.