Left-leaning churches?
Finally leaving mine. Looking for a church that doesn’t seem to equate this conman to Jesus. One that teaches love over hate. Pretty fed up. Thanks for any comments.
Edit: apolitical churches are welcome as well. Thanks
Edit 2: thanks for everybody's comments. I left the wording very unclear -- my bad. I'm not looking for churches that actively harp on politics and endorse left-wing politics, but ones where the average member is left-leaning. After surrounding myself with the fearmongering and hatred of my previous church I want one whose focus is on love and helping the community, which, as a biased left-leaning individual, I am most confident I'd find in a left-leaning congregation.
For what it's worth, I am not against conservatives. I disagree with the politics but I have met many many good conservatives. I am, however, staunchly against people who put Donald Trump in office. "Left-leaning" is the safest wording I found to mean "not-Trump-voter." Thanks again!