Post op vp shunt
I have had a migraine for 2 days now. And I'm wondering, is that normal? Or should I be concerned about a malfunction ? I also noticed my left side where my VP shunt is located. It's very tight and hurts. And tender to touch behind my ear. I also noticed I have like a rash Type bumpage on my neck right on top of where the shunt is located. It's been there for a while since after I got it, I think. I don't know if it's from me. Touching my neck and not noticing or if something's wrong. I also have been very tired, and I don't know if it's because I'm working and mentally and physically drained from having this shunt and dealing with the groin pain. But it seems like I could sleep all day every day. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. Does anybody know about malfunctions or anything along the lines of that? Should I go get a checked? Seems like my second home is the hospital. Now that I have this.