Top 5 sets of the weekend?
Here's mine:
Justice - my top two are close but Justice gets the edge, their music and stage production is a perfect pairing. It was nice to get a heavier set on Mind Melt. Very memorable set.
horsegiirL - set was just off the wall bonkers. Couldn't believe what I was seeing at certain points.
Jamie XX - very fun set and good visuals. Jamie is really good at danceable house beat melodies.
Glass Beams - this was a nice change of pace after coming from the bass music on RC95. This set was very polished and had a great flow. It felt like they could have just played forever and it wouldn't phase them.
Chloe Robinson b2b Coffintexts - went in Sequence in between Jamie and Justice. Maybe the heaviest set I've ever hard in Sequence.
Honorable Mentions - Jungle, Sara Landry, DJ Koze