What are your feelings on psychedelics or mind altering substances as an INTP?

I'm curious what other INTPs relationship or feelings on psychedelics and even cannabis are, cause I don't tend to see much discussion about this topic with our tribe. Could just be I haven't searched directly enough, but I feel like many must have experience. Both for the curiosity factor of our fellow INTP-ers, as well as for the high number of INTP individuals who have a tendency to fall into depressive states and find themselves in the deep end of drug and alcohol dependency.

Being as cerebral as our type is, I feel like psychedelics can really act as a major tool for lighting up those connective synapses (this is true for all types though, obviously not just INTP) and sending you off into many beneficial exploratory thought processes. On the other side, I think it can also send our brains into overdrive and potentially bring you to the brink of a psychotic event. And the only reason I've come to those conclusions is by personal experience.

In regards to psychedelics, my experience is limited to three mushroom based trips. The first being the most significant, almost six years ago. It was a profound experience that I'm still grappling with. It went to the highest of highs to the absolute lowest of lows (my fault on that part. Got cocky and did a second dose and also added cannabis to the mix). But even with having the "bad trip" aspect of it, I believe it was all important and necessary. The two experiences after were so minor in comparison to almost not even be notable. 15% as intense at most. They were honestly a bit disappointing, but I think I was still bit shaken from the first experience and was being overly cautious.

When it comes to cannabis, I'm 100% in favor. I use it nearly every day, but typically just in the evening as a wind down, and only a pull or two from a vape pen. I find it to be relaxing and extremely mentally stimulating. Which isn't to say it can't go overboard and trigger major anxiety to the point of a panic attack. Have had that happen too.

But as an INTP, I feel our minds are especially wired to potentially gain major insights from the usage of these natural substances. I don't doubt others would disagree. But thats why I'm curious to hear others thoughts!