Unable to speak with doctor during IVF

Hello! First-time poster and looking for some advice. I completed my first ER in February and recently started an FET cycle. Throughout this process, I’ve had a very difficult time understanding next steps because my clinic only provides information a few days ahead of time. I asked about this, and they said everything is subject to change and so they don’t want to give the “whole picture” as it might be incorrect. I understand that, but with juggling a job and other time commitments, I’m really struggling. I generally communicate with the clinical team through the clinic’s online messaging system and have asked for a call with my doctor several times. Instead of scheduling an appointment, I get one-sentence answers to my questions (that ultimately raise more questions).

Is it normal to not have any appointments or meet with your doctor during an ER or FET cycle? Do you have any advice/recommendations for how I should handle wanting more information from her? Every time I ask for more information, whether about next steps, how to interpret lab results, or why we’re running certain tests, I feel burdensome and annoying.