Is This Even Possible??

Update: I took another test this morning and it was negative.

Hi everyone! My husband and I have been trying to have a kid for over 3 years now. We've been through alot, include 2 embryos transfers, one of which ended in miscarriage and the other unsuccessful. The doctor suggest I do an ERA, which I done this month, last Wednesday. The ERA cycle is treated as a normal transfer, except instead of a transfer, they take a sample of my lining to test.

Well, the day after the ERA, I started spotting and I've had some breast tenderness, so I took a test today and I think I see a very faint second line. I am 9 DPO today. I put a couple of pictures in the comments. What do you all think?? Am I seeing things? Is this even possible??? I need some advice because my mind is going wild right now.