PIO shots are ruining my life - please advise
I’m on day 5 of PIO. The pain is so excruciating I can barely walk or move. Please tell me it gets better?
Another crazy side effect I have from progesterone is I’m super exhausted but CANNOT sleep !!!! I stay up for 50+ hours straight … in pain. Just crying for hours honestly. I cry all day.
I handled STIMS pretty well but PIO shots are insane.
My clinic says “you can do suppositories every 8 hrs but it increases your chance of miscarriage by 20%” that’s too high :(( orrrr they said we can cancel your cycle like … I’m sorry I already spent nearly $30k and my FET is in 3 days you’re offering to cancel my cycle ?? 😭
Some advice I followed here which is doing squats after, using a warm heating pad … but the soreness is so insane it doesn’t feel to help. Please tell me what helped you 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I really want a baby and I’m so close !!!!! Went all this way I can’t stop now