2 retrievals, 0 embryos. Feeling broken & lost.
Just finished my second egg retrieval and never in a million years expected to be here - exactly where we were 5 months ago. Zero embryos. I have no idea where to go from here and looking to see if anyone has any advice on how to proceed.
34F, AMH 2.5, trying for nearly 2 years. We've done every test including RPL (1 MMC, 2 chemicals prior), Karyotype, husband has done all semen analysis & DNA fragmentation - everything has come back normal. I have stage 3 endometriosis as diagnosed through surgery over a year ago for an endometrioma on my ovary. I know this impacts fertility, but the thought was always to do egg retrievals before considering suppression or surgery if need be.
1st cycle:
- 175 gonal-F, 75 menopur, orgalutron
- Peak E2 was 4271
- triggered with decapeptyl and hcg after 9 days
- 5 eggs, 4 matured, 3 fertilized, 0 blasts. I believe it was day 3 when they stopped growing
- ICSI & Zymot
*Switched clinics\* 2nd cycle:
- primed with estrace
- 300 gonal-F, 75 menopur, orgalutron
- added omnitrope (saizen) every other day
- Peak E2 was 6582, triggered with ovidrel and suprefect after 10 days
- 9 eggs, 7 mature, 7 fertilized, 0 blasts. Slow growth to day 3 and no progression after
- Did ISCI & Zymot & Calcium Ionosphere on half, conventional fertilization on the other half (theory was maybe my eggs are delicate so let's not do anything to impact - also had a complete failure last round so trying something new). Looks like fertilization was not the issue, but unsure.
By all accounts, I respond well to stims and then everything falls apart after that. It looks like the problem happens around day 3, which I've read can be egg quality and/or sperm. Embryologist told me on the phone that they didn't see anything this time around that pointed to a faulty egg quality or sperm quality sample, but I will speak more to my doctor on Wednesday.
I have taken all supplements consistently for nearly 2 years: CoQ10, bird & be prenatal, D3, magnesium, omega 3. Added in açai, melatonin, and started red light therapy. Severe needle phobia means I have not done acupuncture.
My husband and I eat well, exercise, don't smoke/drink, are in bed by 9pm every night. I don't understand how we're here. I don't know how to maintain hope going forward. I have an appointment with an endometriosis specialist in May, but know full well surgery wait times in Canada are over a year, and cannot fathom adding that wait in right now.
If anyone has experienced this and can offer any suggestions on how to move forward, I would greatly appreciate it. Or if anyone has any suggestions for things to bring up with my doctor this week, please let me know. I figured I would have to be on Lupron prior to transfer, but is it worth just starting that now prior to another retrieval?
I have never felt this low in my life - it feels like I am living in a nightmare. Apologies for the lengthy write-up and thank you to anyone who read.