Hunter matching kills me
I'm dying here yall... wdym.... I buy false hope.... and then SUDDENLY I LOSE ALL MY MATCHES.
Mind you I don't play hunter that often but when I do I win 😒... I think my pretty princess skin cursed me. Wdym I got two Chinese full VC teams in a row. They were griffin A badges. I'm cobra 3. I don't play hunter often. Cobra 3 is my highest hunter rank ever. why am i getting chinese smurf teams and griffins and high A badges. IM THE SECOND LOWEST RANK...
Surv mains should be polite and actually run TOWARDS me I deserve it.
Im blaming this on my chronic hunter anxiety (used to be a hunter main but quit after developing hunter anxiety)
And also the skin cursed me. It took all my Mary skills in exchange for an overpriced skin