The curious case of Mr. Serial Flirter, folks.

Gather around as we take a closer look at the enigma, the legend, the soggy cereal of IBOT himselfu/serialflorter007. This fascinating little creature can almost always be found lurking in the threads, casting his flirty fishing net far and wide, hoping to catch... well, anything, really. He thinks he’s a walking romance novel, but spoiler alert: he’s more “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” than “Pride and Prejudice.”

Mr. Flirter here seems to believe he’s the king of “rizz,” but news flash, my guy, you’re about as smooth as chunky peanut butter. Sure, every now and then, you manage to land a line that isn’t completely cringe, but most of the time? It’s a masterclass in missing the mark. And don’t even get me started on the theatrics when someone dares to call him out. Suddenly, Mr. Flirter transforms into Mr. Waterworks, crying about how the big, mean internet is picking on him. Boohoo, Mr. Flirter, not everyone is obligated to like you.

But the real kicker? The sulking. Oh, the sulking. Every time Throw gets a crumb of positive attention, Mr. Flirter's insecurities start showing like an erection in someone's extra tight pants. It's embarrassing. At least Throw contributes something of value to the sub—meanwhile, Mr. Flirler’s contributions are about as useful as a used condom.

Mr. Crappy Flirter, my dude, this isn’t your rom-com, and you’re not the leading man. Take a step back, stop trying so hard to be the center of attention, and maybe—just maybe—this sub will breathe a little easier without the constant secondhand embarrassment.