If You are addicted to Porn, please read this.
It will destroy your social life, and your confidence, and has terrible health benefits. Please don't listen to people who say porn is fine. It's normal. It's not. It causes erectile dysfunction which is pretty common nowadays just due to excessive porn. It forms a similar level of dependency on your brain as cocaine. You are gonna destroy your view of other humans family, friends, strangers and even yourself.
If you have a porn addiction, and can't spend your day without it, you are free and alone for half an hour, and boom, you are searching porn without even thinking about it.
You are ruining your life, you can spend this time and energy learning new things, going out and socialising.
Porn is not sex. Porn completely obliterates healthy sex and sex practices, as well as a person's view of women, even if that person is a woman themselves. It is just violence against women. Porn industry is just kidnapping and sex trafficking of young girls and then drugging and abusing them.
Please stop watching hardcore porn, try to reduce the frequency slowly. Work on yourself, you are a great kid and you deserve the best things. Don't fall into this hell of instant pleasure.