What are your TOPs?

So, after actually injuring my right knuckle yesterday, trying to get the samples from deep midnight open, and having been disappointed in how samples from new cobalt and alkemia never turned into anything at all, I’ve decided I’m not buying one milliliter oil samples anymore.

I got into this after trying Jo Malone samples and I do think that conventional perfume alcohol samples smell like what they are. But from now on if I wanted to, I’ll go to a decant site where I can order two or 3 mL sprays.

The other thing that I will do is just full-size blind by some of the houses I want to try because it’s not that expensive to start with.

So hit me! What are your favorite one or two Autumn and Winter sent from:

  1. Nui Cobalt
  2. Cocoapink
  3. Arcana
  4. Lovesick witchery
  5. Sucreabeille
  6. Bpal
  7. Astrid
  8. Possets
  9. Area of effect
  10. Deep midnight
  11. Lunaea

I have tried but open to hearing favorites from
Alkemia, sorcellerie

Any others houses!

Me: I seem to love spice, peach, tart fruit, green, petrichor.

Do not like: hay, jasmine forward, peony.

Some faves: Jo Malone English pear and sweet pea, JM myrrh and tonka, Morari chai ultime, sorcellerie the ghost wants birthday cake, Alkemia elixir of Aphrodite, the greening wood

Also- I do want some projection.