PdG question

I see that Inito uses PdG ranges in terms of ug/mL but whenever I look it up, everything I find on Google says ng/mL. I’m not sciency, are these measurements interchangeable?

I missed out on tracking a crucial part of my cycle, but think I’m very early pregnant based on some faint tests. Excited to see my progesterone rising but I want to make sure it’s in a good range for how newly pregnant I am.

Google says: “1st trimester: 11.2-90.0 ng/mL OR 35.62-286.20 nmol/L”

My PdG range today was 26.99ug/mL

I see that Inito uses PdG ranges in terms of ug/mL but whenever I look it up, everything I find on Google says ng/mL. I’m not sciency, are these measurements interchangeable?

I missed out on tracking a crucial part of my cycle, but think I’m very early pregnant based on some faint tests. Excited to see my progesterone rising but I want to make sure it’s in a good range for how newly pregnant I am.

Google says: “1st trimester: 11.2-90.0 ng/mL OR 35.62-286.20 nmol/L”

My PdG range today was 26.99ug/mL