SOCIAL CURRENCY!! Guys I’m watching social currency so you don’t have to. I’ll be adding my live review here as I watch. Follow this space for more.

So first impressions: there’s bhavin, Parth, Akash, Ruhi, Rowhi, Vagmita, Sakshi and Mridul. Bhavin aur Akash badhiya mast normal dudes. Parth is walking around with his nose in the air, like he owns the place and acting like he’s better than everyone else. Vagmita is pretty chill. Ruhi is a wannabe diva. Sakshi’s fake LA accent is making my ears bleed. She’s saying that she’s a singer songwriter from LA. Bhai she’s been there for just 2 years usse pehle she was in Bombay so girl be real. Rowhi is surprisingly fun to watch because she’s so clueless and bewakoof (but real).