It's been a fun run guys

One of the main roads in my area is currently down for construction which cut the two halves off from each other almost entirely. Instacart kept assigning orders full of frozen stuff that HAD to take the closed road else the detour would add 1-2 hours and all their cold stuff would melt. Not my fault instacart ignored me reporting that the road was closed every time.

I got like $5000 worth of groceries out of the canceled orders, though, so I get it.

One of the main roads in my area is currently down for construction which cut the two halves off from each other almost entirely. Instacart kept assigning orders full of frozen stuff that HAD to take the closed road else the detour would add 1-2 hours and all their cold stuff would melt. Not my fault instacart ignored me reporting that the road was closed every time.

I got like $5000 worth of groceries out of the canceled orders, though, so I get it.